Fiber Optics: The Best Methods For Keeping Them Clean


Fiber optics are used everywhere: in the medical field, in the military, in transportation, even under the sea. The uses for fiber optics are endless. But with all of the advanced technology that has been developed in the field of fiber optics, there is one thing that everyone struggles with, and that is contamination. Contamination on the endface of the fibers can result in failure of either the individual piece or the entire system.

1 July 2015

3 Important Considerations For Your Compressor Seals


When it comes to compressor seals, there are a lot of different types used in industrial equipment and supplies, including bronze seals and aluminum seals. Because of the importance of these components, you will need to be sure that you understand some important tips for getting the most out of these parts. With that in mind, read this guide and use the tips outlined accordingly, to give you the opportunity to get the ideal efficiency and performance out of your compressors.

24 June 2015

DIY Compost Sifting Screen

Industrial & Manufacturing Blog

If you have a compost bin for your garden, you already know that the finished compost isn't always ready for use. Large pieces of vegetation, pieces of cornstalks and twigs often take longer to compost that kitchen scraps and grass clippings. Before using your compost, you will need to screen it to remove these. Making your own sifting screen will save you time and make using your compost easier. Supplies

19 June 2015

Steel: A Timeless Value


In the 17th century, steel began to be used as a material more frequently. In the 19th century, more efficient production methods helped steel become cost effective. Today, steel's quality and production process is improving more rapidly than ever. It is one of the most crucial materials in all of the world and it sits at the crux of large industries such as construction, transportation, and automobiles. Many people view steel as the chief economic indicator for progress within any given country.

21 May 2015

Maintaining Your Septic Tank


Septic tanks are an excellent option for sewage disposal if you live in a rural area or an area that lacks a cheap distributed plumbing option. Since a septic tank is a self-contained purification system, your are entirely responsible for every step of the process. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you maintain your septic tank, so here's a breakdown on the do's and don'ts: Waste Disposal The most important thing to understand about your septic tank is that it will receive any and all waste that you put in your drains, toilets, or sinks.

31 March 2015

How To Prevent Damage From Industrial Hose Failure


Over a long enough period of time, industrial uses for hoses will often wear them out. If this happens at the wrong time, it can cost thousands of dollars in damage and even threaten an entire operation. Here are a few preventative measures you can take to keep this hose from failing in your industrial factory beforehand. Smart Hoses There are some industrial hoses out there, such as smart hydraulic hoses, that can actually monitor the health of the hose in real time.

31 March 2015

Things To Know About Wooden Pallet Racks Before Recycling Them


Wood, metal and plastic are the most common materials that are used to make pallet racks for additional storage in warehouses and manufacturing companies. All three materials can be reused or recycled when they are no longer needed for their original purpose. Wood, in particular, can be used for a number of do-it-yourself projects such as coat racks, book shelves, tables or even as a rack for storing your aquarium.

26 March 2015